Name Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano Phone 0522 307741Schedule
Screening at Consorzio Parmigiano Reggiano: “Transhumances”
Screening of the movie “Transhumances” by Andrea Mura, winner of the Consorzio Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano 2022 Award, as part of Mente Locale film festival 10th edition. At the end, meeting with the author.
Transhumances – by Andrea Mura – 52’ – Italy 2021
The film tells the great migration of Sardinian shepherds in Tuscany in the 1960s. A little-told Italian story of work, social conflicts and emancipation in the transition from sharecropping to industrialization. Transhumances is a choral story that is the discovery of the landscape, of the countryside, of an activity still deeply rooted in the practices of pastoralism grappling with the challenges of contemporaneity, but also the story of men, of transhumance and of communities that reconstitute themselves despite the sea.
Ticket price:
Free admission